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Build your Rocket

Clap Clap Games
(13,339 votes)
April 2023
Last Updated:
May 2023
HTML5 (Unity WebGL)
Browser (desktop, mobile, tablet), App Store(iOS, Android)

Build your Rocket is a casual game that challenges you to build and launch your own rocket. Your goal is to fly as high as possible, reaching different planets and unlocking new levels.

How to Play

To build your rocket, you'll need to balance power, fuel, and speed carefully. You'll need enough power to lift off the ground, enough fuel to keep your rocket going, and enough speed to reach new heights.

As you progress through the game, you can unlock new levels and explore new planets. The score increases as your rocket reaches new heights, so aim for the stars and try to beat your competition to the top!

Once you’ve mastered building rockets, check out more of our casual games! Two more popular games in this category are Tiny Fishing and Raccoon Retail.

Release Date

  • August 2022 (iOS)
  • April 2023 (WebGL and Android)


Build your Rocket is developed by Clap Clap Games.


  • Web browser
  • Android
  • iOS

Last Updated

May 10, 2023


Hold space or left mouse button to accelerate, release to stop accelerating. Use left mouse button to interact with in-game UI.

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